North and South side of Roberts Drive inside Riverdale City limits in Clayton County, GA
1.64 Acres on the North side of Roberts Drive
Approximately 1.64 Acres on the North side of Roberts Drive inside Riverdale City limits in Clayton County, GA. Property adjoins Olde Williamsburg subdivision. A significant portion of the property is believed to lie within the 100 year flood plain.
Highest & Best Use: Storage Facility
Ownership: H&N Development Co., Inc. James E. Norman is President.
Clayton County Tax ID: 13171D B029 (prob 3+) or 1317D A003 (prob 1.67)
City Tax ID: 13 171D B029 (prob 3+) or 13 171D A003 (prob 1.67)
Previously proposed GMLS listing price $100,000
Last appraisal/valuation?
Sale floor formula A:
Sale floor formula B:
Last listed price ?
Seller Motivation: To reduce the properties owned by H&N in anticipation of closing that corporation.
3.37 Acres on the South side of Roberts Drive
Approximately 3.37 Acres on the South side of Roberts Drive inside Riverdale City limits in Clayton County, GA. Property adjoins Olde Williamsburg subdivision. A significant amount of the property is believed to lie within the 100 year flood plain.
Highest & Best Use: Storage Facility
Ownership: H&N Development Co., Inc. James E. Norman is President.
Clayton County Tax ID: 13171D B029 (prob 3+) or 1317D A003 (prob 1.67)
City Tax ID: 13 171D B029 (prob 3+) or 13 171D A003 (prob 1.67)
Previously proposed GMLS listing price $300,000
Last appraisal/valuation?
Sale floor formula A:
Sale floor formula B:
Last listed price ?
Seller Motivation: To reduce the properties owned by H&N in anticipation of closing that corporation.