Reformation Academy Outline

Reformation Academy Outline  – –  Semper Reformanda  

The purpose of the church is to worship God, spread the gospel and make disciples.  Corporate worship and sharing the gospel come easier to many churches than discipleship.  Making true disciples is not easy or automatic but we are called to do it. 


Purpose:  To compliment the local church by offering something ‘between Sunday School and seminary.’


God has revealed Himself through nature, conscience & especially in Scripture so that we may know God as He would have us to know Him and that we may know who we are in relation to God.  This wholistic understanding of systematic theology from logic, philosophy and especially from Scripture is sadly lacking in much of the visible church of today in America.  We facilitate understanding the triune God of creation and redemption.




The Bible is our complete authority!  Truth (even beyond the essentials of the Gospel) should be universally sought after, agreed upon and applied.  We share, teach, discuss & compare various doctrines.  We strive to aid in knowledge of and application of Scripture to areas of life in which Christians confront serious challenges from our culture: Education, Worship, Evolution, Politics, Church Government & Discipline, etc.


Residential Programs


Our core mission is to facilitate self-directed Biblical learning and the application of spiritual truth.


Residential stays are in 1 week increments with communal meals as a means of true Christian fellowship.


As part of the registration process we will attempt to find each guest’s specific need or interest so we can provide customized recommendations for study and follow-up discussions.  For those with no known specific need or interest, a general theme will be given for each week. 


We have a substantial book library and over 1,000 lessons on DVD.


Our Name – Reformation Academy and are reserved for this ministry.  Our motto: “Semper Reformanda” (always reforming) reflects our desire to continually reform our thinking to Biblical truth especially as revealed by Jesus Christ and outlined by the Apostles.  Church history is full of reformations & relapses.  We can learn from the lessons of Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Sproul, etc.


Table of Contents


Residential Program Overview ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2

Curriculum by Weeks ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3

#1 Need:  Funding for (or donation of)  Real Estate ~ ~ ~ ~ 6

Additional & Future Ministries ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7


Residential Program Overview


Typical Day Except: Mondays start at Noon. Saturdays end at Noon


7:00 AM Quiet Time Ends

7:00 – 7:30 Personal prayer & devotions (Optional group prayer & devotion time)

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast*

8:30 – 12:00 Study &/or Fellowship Time – Includes components from curriculum outline

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch*

1:30 Study &/or Fellowship Time Resumes – May include components from curriculum

3:00 – 4:00 Optional Snack Bar fellowship time starts

6:00 – 7:30 Supper*

7:30 – 9:30 Fellowship Time Resumes for Games &/or Discussion

Optional 23 minute video with snacks – Video may be from curriculum outline

9:30 Quiet Time Begins


*  Volunteers help prepare & clean-up after meals.

“Study &/or Fellowship Time” includes individual use of books and videos.

“Study &/or Fellowship Time” may also be used to meet with Staff for direction and counsel.

Meetings with Staff are sometimes very casual and done going for a walk or playing games.  Sometimes they are more formal and private with a same gender staff member.

“Study &/or Fellowship Time” can be used in casual activities individually, with other visitors &/or with Staff.  Flexibility can facilitate the encouragement that comes from Christian fellowship.  




Typically, a profession of Christian faith is required for residential programs.  No heresy (contradicting the Gospel), but error is allowed.  Statement of faith required:  “The atoning work of Jesus Christ is my only hope of eternal security.”  However, we anticipate scheduling separate times for non-believing inquirers.  These are separate times because there can be no true Christian fellowship with non-believers and true Christian fellowship is an important directive of Scripture for the believer and proves very fruitful.  The curriculum is vastly different between the two, with non-believers being presented with the truth claims of Christianity and the tools to evaluate those claims.  We want all (believers and non-believers) to rightly know which category they are in and why.  Raising pretenders to Christianity in patterns of righteous living is a destructive obfuscation of the Gospel.


Scheduling – Start-up


Our projected initial opening is June 2024.  This initial opening is dependent on the acquisition of and preparation of an appropriate facility.  Until and unless God provides such a facility or the resources to purchase one, we will continue to operate as we do now.  Currently we operate on a very limited basis supporting and facilitating individual and small group studies and fellowship.  We have accumulated substantial educational resources which are available for use in homes and churches as requested.  Let us know if you would like to borrow, view or discuss any of our resources for yourself, small group or church use.


Between now and actual in-person on-site operation we also intend to continue developing outlines, lessons, videos, etc. These are for use by loan, with Reformation Academy staff or virtually on-line.  We anticipate that those services will continue after the start of in-person operation but with a lower priority.


Check-in is from 9 AM – Noon Monday.  Check-out is from 9 AM – Noon Saturday.


There is no curriculum scheduled for Saturdays.  Sundays are reserved for worship.  Guests staying over between weeks are invited to join staff members at their local churches or to visit the local church of their choice.  Visitors staying over between weeks of study are not charged extra for Saturday & Sunday.Curriculum by Weeks


Systematic Theology — Broad Overview:

MondaySystematic Theology vs Biblical Theology

Forest vs Trees

What the Bible tells us:  Who is God?  Who am I relative to God?

Creeds and Confessions

TuesdayRegenerative History

Wednesday5 Solas


FridayCovenantal + Calvinist + Regulative Principle of Worship = Reformed (TR)


Biblical Understanding:

MondayThe Purpose of the Bible

Who is God?Who am I relative to God?

Eternal Worship or Retribution

TuesdayPrinciples of Biblical Interpretation

The Bible interprets itself

The Skeptic’s Guide to the Bible

WednesdayChoosing and using Bibles

Canon, Versions, Format variations

ThursdayPractical Insights

Types of Biblical Interactions:



Initial order to read & Daily schedule

1 Proverb chapter per day

Once per year

Sticky notes


The Reformation:  History & Theology

MondayBefore Luther



ThursdaySummary of Reformation Theology

FridayReformed vs Roman Catholic Beliefs


5 Solas

MondaySola Scriptura

TuesdaySola Gratia

WednesdaySola Fide

ThursdaySolus Christus

FridaySoli Deo Gloria



MondayTotal Depravity

TuesdayUnconditional Election

WednesdayLimited Atonement

ThursdayIrresistible Grace

FridayPerseverance of the Saints


History of Heresies & resulting Councils, Creeds & Confessions

MondayJesus is Lord



ThursdayCumulative Heresies into the Middle Ages

FridayReformation Return to Scripture

Clarifying Creeds and Confessions


Sphere Sovereignty

MondayIntroduction:  Church – Civil Government – Family

TuesdayRole of Family

Role of Civil Government

WednesdayRole of the Church – Worship, Evangelize & Disciple

ThursdayRole of the Individual in all 3 spheres

FridayRole of God & The Will of God:



Revealed (Prophetic)

Secret – None of our business



Grand Themes of the Bible – (At least 3 weeks) Mix and match any 5 for one week:

Pride vs. Humility

God is Sovereign

Unworthy; not Worthless

Miracles – as authentication only

Covenant Theology

God’s Nature and Character

Man’s Nature and Character

The Problem of Sin


How to Please God

The Human Behavior Cycle – as in Judges (include graphics)

Grace & Mercy (include graphics)

Heaven & Hell

Kingdom of GodKingdom of Heaven


Lake of FireNew Earth

ParadiseBosom of Abraham


Election & Reprobation

Justice & Mercy; no injustice in God (include graphic)

Double Imputation (include graphic)


Catholic vs Reformed

MondayAuthority (include Venn diagram)

Bible, tradition & Pope vs Sola Scriptura


Works + Grace vs Sola Gratia

WednesdayOrdo Salutis – Order of Salvation

Baptism vs Regeneration, Repentance, Sanctification, Glorification


FridayChurch Government


Video Week

Short videos all day (poss choice of 2 or 3 if facilities available)

Movie every night

Discussions over snacks & meals


Church History Video Week

All videos & movies pertain to church history (Otherwise as “Video Week” above)


Definitions Week  (At least 5 weeks) Mix and match any 5 for one week:


Science vs LogicScientific Law

Scientific TheoryScientific Model





2nd Law of ThermodynamicsPredestination

Arminian (Jacob Arminius 5 point remonstrance) 

ElectHeresy vs Error


Partial PreteristFellowship

Exegesis vs EisegesisGeneral Revelation

Special RevelationSelf-Existence (The power of being)


Denominational Differences Grid – A church not a church?  Distinguishing heresy from error


Monday Creation

Tuesday Christology

Baptism & Lord’s Supper

Wednesday Soteriology

Thursday Spiritual Gifts

Friday Eschatology, Ethnic Israel, Millennium


Essential Doctrines


Monday What are the key doctrines that are critical to the Christian faith?

What are the doctrines that we can agree to disagree on?

Tuesday Doctrine regarding God

Wednesday Doctrine regarding man

Thursday Doctrine regarding salvation and the Christian life

Friday Review of what is essential and what is desired but not essential

Brief overview of dozens of doctrines

Heresy vs Error, Gray area, Understanding terms#1 Need:  Funding for (or donation of)  Real Estate


Note: With our IRS 501(c)(3) designation, we do not anticipate having to pay any property taxes as long as the property is in the name of Reformation Academy, Inc.


Ideally the property would have:


An inviting appearance 

A gathering room for at least 15 people (30 would be great)

A full kitchen and dining area for at least 12 people (24 would be great)

Low maintenance features

Safe but not prestigious location

Space for outside activities


Inside Facility Preferences:


Low maintenance improved spaces

Guest Quarters with en suite baths

Dormitory Spaces with nearby baths

Manager and Employee/Volunteer Apartments

Recreation room:  Pool table or Ping-pong, Cornhole or Darts, Card tables, Games

Library:  Basics of Christianity, General Purpose & Christian Research




Outside and Location Facility Preferences:


Acreage for gardens, trails, gazebo, recreation & gathering/dining

Scenic: Natural surface water &/or Mountain views

Depending on projected maintenance possibly a few of:

Garages(s)BadmintonNature trailBocceBasketball hoop

HorseshoesVineyardDisc golfChicken spaVolleyball


Operating funds:


Reformation Academy, Inc. is incorporated in Florida as a not-for-profit corporation and has full IRS 501(c)(3) certification for tax deductibility of contributions.


Some ministries may be free, but generally our visitors will contribute financially to fund the ongoing ministry.


Visitors will generally pay all variable costs plus at least a bit toward fixed costs and maintenance costs.


We have in place sufficient commitments of volunteer labor and cash to begin in-person residential ministries as soon as the real estate need is met.  In the mean time, we will continue to develop on-line and limited in-person services.




Additional & Future Ministries


Evening Programs


We may incorporate weekday evening (not Sunday or Wednesday) meetings to present the gospel to unbelievers, disciple believers, answer questions and introduce the community to our mission. 


At a later date (independent of or in cooperation with local churches) we may provide:


A safe environment for Pastors to discuss theological differences.


Community lectures, videos, Q&As, etc. with hospitality (snacks or meals)


Hosting of community Bible studies.


Day only study programs priced to include meals.


Specialized Curriculum


Most elements of our curriculum are available to all visitors as appropriate but we plan to have some specialized elements for the specific needs of specific categories of visitors during specific dedicated weeks.


Possible Specialized Residential Programs (Not self-guided but a directed curriculum):


College preparatory retreat


College recovery retreat/preparation for real life


Theological instruction specific to the needs of current or future:

School teachersPoliticiansRetireesCounselors



Pastor restoration for those under discipline


Co-op program in coordination with Bible College(s) &/or Seminaries


Transition into society after prison


Homeschool Supplementation

Resources for parents

On-site group activities for parent supervised children


Dedicated Christian History Room/Museum


In addition to meeting the specific interests of guests, the main 3 categories of learning in the study center are: Systematic Theology, History & Wisdom.


To that end, we envision a Christian History emphasis starting with a few posters and possibly eventually growing to something of a Museum which may include 1 or 2 rooms or even an entire small house on the property.  Resources may include:


Bible Timelines:

Books of the Bible — time of recording, author & time recorded

Bible Characters

Bible Events



N.T. Timeline

Passion Week Timeline

Ark – Tabernacle – Temple




Maps – Large versions of good Bible maps


Artist renderings:

Ark – Noah’s

Ark of the Covenant




List of History Resources available in the Library

DVD lectures

DVD movies



Artistic displays and models:

Noah’s Ark

Ark of the Covenant 

Dioramas showing the terrain surrounding events



Holy Land


Boats, clothes, tools, coins, houses, etc. of the era




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